Connecting to PXI Modular Instruments

In order for PathWave to recognize and communicate with a PXI modular instrument, you must first enable the HiSLIP interface from the instrument's Soft Front Panel (SFP). HiSLIP is available ONLY when the SFP has already been launched.

For more information on configuring and using your PXI modular instrument, please refer to the documentation provided with the instrument.

Firewall Configuration

The PXI instrument will advertise itself using a specific TCPIP port (e.g., Port 4880). You must configure your computer firewall to enable communication through this port. You can then connect to the instrument and send SCPI commands using a VISA address with the following format:


For example, if your PXI controller is named myPXI, the TCPIP connection string would be:


When configuring an embedded controller, or when configuring an external computer connected using a PXIe cable, be sure to replace PXI_controller_name with Localhost. For example:


Add TCPIP Connection String to Connection Expert

After enabling the HiSLIP interface, you will need to manually add the TCPIP connection string using Connection Expert, which is part of the Keysight IO Libraries Suite. Launch Connection Expert and then add the connection string as a new LAN instrument. After rescanning the instrument list, the PXI instrument should appear.